Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Character of the Philippine Educational System

The Philippine educational system is colonial, commercialized, and repressive. It basically serves the needs and interests of imperialism by producing battalions of cheap and repressed labor force. It also strengthens colonial culture that has dominated the Philippine society since the Spanish rule.

The privatization and deregulation policies on education have further driven it into becoming a commodity. State universities are being privatized while capitalist-educators gain increasing power to extract bigger profits through tuition and miscellaneous hikes.

In the campuses, the students’ democratic rights such as the right to organize, right to an autonomous student government and publication, and the right to peaceably assemble are grossly violated. Teachers and nonteaching staff are also victims of unreasonable wages and salaries and the lack of benefits that are due them. Democratic rights are being violated across the academic community.

This state of the Philippine educational system is also perpetuated even by the so-called sectarian or church-owned schools. They are in chorus with the government and the rest of the capitalist-educators against the youth and students, depriving them of their legitimate demands and interests.

The crisis of the Philippine educational system is an offshoot of the chronic economic and political crises of the Philippine society. There will never be an end to the crisis of the Philippine educational system unless the entire social system that breeds it is transformed to that of a truly humane society with peace that is based on justice.#

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